Spiritfire House of Prayer HALLELUIAH!!!

Thank you for your response to the call to “PURSUE PRAYER”for our Nation, State, Valley, Churches, Families and Friends.  We are in “one accord” in many different States and even Canada signing on to join the 120 prayer warriors.  Many of you have asked “for how long” or “do I have to pray at a certain hour“...the answer is FOREVER!…AND ANYTIME YOU WANT!  What you are doing is joining a FORCE FOR PRAYER!  I believe this will far exceed 120 people in Pursuit of Prayer.  We have people signing up for 10minutes a day at a certain time…we just had our first teenager committing …OH MY GOODNESS…how God loves that!!  So this is what I am asking all of you …send this email to your friends and family who love to pray and see if they will join WITH YOU…take this to your bible study group…one precious lady is taking it to her church.   This is a campaign to UNITE IN ONE ACCORD bombarding Heaven for BREAKTHROUGH.


This is not about Spiritifire or any Church or Ministry…I am just a woman who has been called by God to PURSUE PRAYER  and build 120 men, women and children who will BREATH HIS NAME IN PRAYER EVERY DAY TO SEE “HIS KINGDOM COME”.  God told me MY CHILDREN ARE PRAYING BUT HAVE THEM COMMIT to being apart of the 120 in the PURSUIT OF PRAYER! So you are now on a team…let us know the answers to prayer that will be coming from this…let us know your prayer requests.  We already have a Prayer Request  asking God to heal diabetes save children and grandchildren.

Family, I wish I could type my PRAYER LANGUAGE right now !!! and have you feel the power of  the Holy Spirit  that’s coming through this computer.  WILL YOU COMMITT?   YOURPURSUIT OF PRAYER IS SO IMPORTANT TO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!  Email me back if you will join the team.


Linda Munson
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