Life and Light

originally published on June 25th, 2013

Here in Montana we have been moving from the end of winter to spring through spring toward the beginning of summer. Each year this “Rite of Passage” imprints on my mind one word more than any other, ‘HOPE.” Woven into the fabric of hope are two words ‘LIFE AND LIGHT.’  Days are longer sun shines more warming the atmosphere,  releasing earth from its cold prison and life’s renewal happens before our eyes. Life (DZO-AY) Theological Dictionary to the NT. Life the state of one who has possessed of vitality.  I marvel at the power of life manifested in early plants as temperatures vary drastically.  Life also means “The ABSOLUTE FULLNESS of LIFE both essential and ethical which belongs to GOD as winter’s grip eases, plants, full of essential life, thrive. So true of us as well.  Both, plants and humans,  possess the Creator’s glorious, genuine, active and vigorous life…assigned to us and activated by seasonal changes.  LIGHT is an integral part of all of this.  Plants receive light and the ingredients of life release them from winter’s chill.  Light delivers plants into their created purpose, here potential is fully released – bring freedom to their world So true with us!  His WORD is light, illumines, releases knowledge into our world bringing freedom from darkness, delivering us into the HIS KINGDOM OF LIGHT.  We begin to live in the light of His love, truth, renewal, transformation and restoration.  What hope, what great expectations.

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