
(originally posted in September 2010)

iStock_000001778766XSmallIf there were no clouds, we would not be here, without clouds, water would cover 85% of the globe, all of it in oceans. Rain beings as invisible water vapor, which is absorbed in to the air form lakes, rivers and oceans by evaporation.

Evaporation can turn more than 5000 tons of water into water vapor from each square mile of ocean in just one hour, around the globe.

Invisible water vapor has to become droplets of water before it can form into clouds. These droplets can be so tiny that eight million would make one full-grown drop of rain. Billions of these form clouds that float hundreds of miles in the air until the right atmospheric pressure causes the clouds to release some of their moisture as rain, snow, sleet or hail. Rain occurs when clouds can no longer hold their water.

Every cloud you see in the sky is a blessing from God.

Think again, billions and billions of those water droplets are what form clouds. Now, begin to number the times when the Spirit of God touched you. Those times of worship, times of His presence flowing over your being, the word of God make alive in your heart by the Spirit’s touch, the times when that same word, hidden there by your study, suddenly bursts forth in passionate splendor, illuminating your heart and flowing from your life; the song that moved you beyond emotional control, the melody and harmony that worked together to massage your heart so that thanksgivings tears were poured forth in praise. Billions and billions of Spirit droplets filled the clouds of your life, you come into contact with the atmospheric pressure of your world and because of a recognized need; you rain God’s love, care, passion, power, healing, restoration, and wholeness on others.

Thank God for all those experiences, incidents that bring us His presence so it can be released as His rain in a parched place.

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