
timelessoriginally published on August 17, 2011

Timeless is a masterpiece of art whose brilliance cannot be extinguished; existing unaffected by the passing of time.

Timeless is a writing whose truth will always be applicable to the past, present and future.

Timeless is classic, something or someone that is of impacting significance; whose worth continues to have the capacity to powerfully captivate the mind, heart and imagination.

Timeless is a phrase that culture uses to describe something that cannot be discarded, diminished or decimated.

Timeless has the capability to stand formidably in the culpable winds of culture and the fierce storms of change that mutate truth.

Timeless is the power of endurance, continuing existence, endemic because of its origin.

Timeless is a love that is ageless, its passion never diminishes, expanding its dimensions, embracing and covering the object of its desire.

Timeless is a place, a dimension, an attitude and a promise.

Timeless is a plan, a purpose whose ultimate fulfillment reaches into infinity and beyond.

Timeless is hope that cannot be contained in definitions, or held captive within the capacity of human reason.

Timeless is a person who existed before time, who exists in time and will exist after time. A person who began the seasons, who designated day and night, who set the universe in motion and who has the ability and power to set aside time and timeless. Timeless is Jesus!

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