Holiday Blessings

originally published on November 21, 2012

I am sitting by the big picture window, it is dark outside, but the waves of Flathead Lake can be heard splashing on the rocky shore.  It is Monday night and there are forty two days until the begining of  a bright, full of possibilities, bringing its share of trials==NEW YEAR.  But …between now and then there is this “most wonderful time of year.”

Think of it, the traveling, the arriving, the family and friends carrying all the smiles, hugs, warm and loving words and who can forget the food.
This time of year  can be so full of memories to be made, hearts poured full of wonders that words cannot adequately describe.  The Wonder of the snowflake with it uniqueness, the world’s best Christmas tree, the best tasting turkey you have ever had,  Oh yes the gifts, but what makes them priceless is the love
and thoughtfulness behind them.  The Christmas Story—without which this could not be.  Yes, there are activities, busy schedules BUT, it is the people who are the greatest gifts.  Celebrate them, Celebrate life and most of all Celebrate HIM.

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