Mobile Leadership

Val Munson


Pastor, Evangelist and Director of Spiritfire Global Ministries, has been in the ministry for 50 years. He comes from a family of ministers. Raised in the church, he had an encounter with God as a 10-year-old boy in the old Calvary Church in Bremerton, WA, where he experienced a three hour immersion in the Holy Spirit that instilled in him a passion for the things of God.He has been the Senior Pastor of three large churches in Texas, California, and Nebraska. A man of the Word and prayer, Pastor Val has been called a prolific Bible scholar. Healings are the norm in his meetings. His intense pursuit of God’s presence through the years has resulted in the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit wherever he ministers.


Linda Munson


Linda Munson was born into a ministers home, and dedicated herself to the Lord at a young age. For many years she ministered in Rescue Missions where she worked with Drug and Alcohol Programs and saw hundreds of women and men delivered and set free from addictions.  When God called her and her husband to Montana in 2012 she helped establish the Spiritfire House of Prayer.   Then in 2014 God gave her the mandate to start the “120” Force which is a National Internet Prayer Force that is praying for BREAKTHROUGH.  Breakthrough for our nation, states, cities, churches, pastors, families, relationships, finances, health and for Israel.  Since starting this prayer force miracles have happened in the lives of people all over the nation.   Val and Linda   minister throughout the USA and in Israel, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Fiji, India, Haiti, Mexico, and Canada.


Ty and Maegan Unruh


Ty and Maegan Unruh met in May of 2008 at a Bible study in Kalispell, MT. As they pursued The Lord together, the Kingdom of God begin to explode in their hearts. Later that year the Lord begin to reveal to them what He had called them to: revival, reformation, and preparing the way of the Lord. Ty and Maegan desire to see the apostolic church restored. Their passion is to see people come into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and to reach a point of burning for Him from which they will never return from. Their burden is to release a revelation of Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge in order to make a straight path for His return.             Ty is originally from Kansas and has worked as a federal law enforcement agent since 2005. He has a bachelors degree in Sociology fromEmporia State University.  Ty has been ordained by Val and Linda Munson of Spiritfire Global Ministries.  Maegan is from Georgia and  has graduated fromYWAM University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii.  Ty and Maegan reside in Whitefish, MT with their two children, Alivia (3) and Bryten (1) .


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